Sunday, May 25, 2014

Member Code of Conduct

As we work to build the soccer culture here in New York City, our behavior will come under increasing scrutiny. To ensure that our members uphold the highest standards of behavior, the Board of Directors has approved this Code of Conduct for all Third Rail members, effective immediately.
The Third Rail welcomes all fans of good will, regardless of race, age, gender, creed or sexual orientation. As such, disrespect towards any persons, be they our fellow NYCFC fans, fans of other clubs or members of the general public, is completely unacceptable. We will not tolerate racism, discrimination, sexism, and/or bigotry of any kind in either words or actions.

We understand that as an officially sanctioned Supporters Group, our actions will reflect not only on us individually and the Third Rail as a whole, but the club we support and city we represent. We will always strive to be good ambassadors for our club and community.

Prohibited behavior includes (but is not limited to):
  • Throwing any objects onto the field of play during a match;
  • Leading, participating, and/or encouraging in inappropriate chants;
  • Any physical harm or threats of physical harm to others; and
  • Slurs, derogatory language, and other disrespectful and/or hateful speech, whether in person or online

We are responsible for policing our own behavior and those of everyone associated with the Third Rail. If you see individuals acting in way that violates our code of conduct, please don’t participate in or encourage it. Let a Third Rail officer know, and we will investigate as appropriate. Everyone will be held accountable for his or her individual actions.

Any member of the Third Rail who is found to have violated this code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including total and immediate loss of membership without refund, and the Third Rail reserves the right to take any such action as deemed appropriate at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

We hope that no such action need never be taken, and we trust that all members will comport themselves with respect for themselves and others as we cheer our team on to victory.

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