Monday, August 11, 2014

Time to Choose a Charter Members Scarf!

And now - the four finalists in our Charter Members Scarf Design Contest! The winner will be part of the 2014 Membership package, to be given out as soon as we can get them from the manufacturer.

Let's take a closer look at the four designs:

Okay, members, it's time to cast your vote. What scarves will we be wearing this winter as we march towards 2015? What scarves will we keep to forever mark our status as Charter Members?

Send an email to with your favorite design in the signature line. Members only, so please make sure that the name on your email account is the same as the name on your Third Rail membership.

We kicked off the vote in person at our membership meeting this past Saturday at Nevada Smiths.  Now it's time for all members to vote!

Only one vote per member; if you attended the meeting please don't send an email. 

We will close the online voting on Wednesday, August 13th at 12:00 noon, EDT. The winner will be announced shortly thereafter, and we'll send it off to the manufacturer! May the best design win!

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