Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Gift of Soccer

As we prepare for Thanksgiving and the holiday season, our thoughts turn to giving back to the community. We would like to invite you to support "The Gift of Soccer", a great cause sponsored by the Third Rail!

We are looking for members to sponsor/donate a soccer ball to be donated to 5 schools from different inner city locations. The soccer ball can be new or used, preferably size 5. We are also looking for volunteers to help distribute the soccer balls during the Week of December 8th, exact dates & times to be announced.

If interested in donating a ball, please bring it to Nevada Smiths on December 7th during our Holiday Party. If you cannot make the Holiday party on the 7th but would still like to donate or volunteer please contact Andres Loaiza, Director of Community Outreach, by email or via twitter.

We look forward to your help in bringing the Gift of Soccer to the communities of New York City!

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